Separating Concerns in SwiftData Models, or: @Query Considered Harmful
Over the year-and-change since its release, I’ve watched several developer friends abandon SwiftData in frustration, finding it buggy and unreliable. However, I’ve found it to be a key part of my app’s architecture, and I can’t imagine going back. Is it that I’m a 10x developer, and everyone else just needs to git gud? 🤔 No, of course not. But I think my experience, compared to others’, comes down to one key difference: I completely avoided using @Query
, and everyone else should, too.
Kineo's 15th Anniversary
One of my personal apps hit a major milestone today: Kineo first launched on the App Store on this date 15 years ago. While it certainly didn’t spend all of that time under active development, it’s still shocking to me that it’s been around all that time. As such, I wanted to write a little bit about its history and the major changes an app like Kineo has seen in that time.
Kineo Open Beta
tl;dr: go join the Kineo beta
Seriously, What is Happening with PencilKit?
Apple “resolved” the PencilKit issue… by making it even harder to support it.
What Happened to PencilKit?
Apple’s latest release notes ask developers to refrain from attempting to submit apps linking PencilKit to the App Store. What’s the story here? Why are developers asked not to submit apps linking PencilKit?