Separating Concerns in SwiftData Models, or: @Query Considered Harmful
Over the year-and-change since its release, I’ve watched several developer friends abandon SwiftData in frustration, finding it buggy and unreliable. However, I’ve found it to be a key part of my app’s architecture, and I can’t imagine going back. Is it that I’m a 10x developer, and everyone else just needs to git gud? 🤔 No, of course not. But I think my experience, compared to others’, comes down to one key difference: I completely avoided using @Query
, and everyone else should, too.
Separation of Concerns
A long-standing principle of software design is “separation of concerns”: the idea that a given chunk of code, such as a Swift type, should only be concerned with a single concept. If a type has to handle multiple responsibilties, it becomes fragile. For every change you make, you have to be sure that you aren’t interfering with any of the type’s other responsibilities. Separating concerns (also known as “encapsulation”) gives code a smaller surface area, which makes it easier to understand, reuse, and test.
’s core issue is that it takes this principle and chucks it right out the window. In case you’re not familiar, @Query
is a property wrapper that lets you directly access and monitor data stored with SwiftData as a computed property. You define the data you want (the actual “query” of @Query
), add it to a SwiftUI view, and SwiftData handles fetching that data and keeping it up to date. In Apple’s sample code and WWDC videos, this sounds incredibly convenient! Secretly, though, it’s introduced a rot within your code. Your view now has two concerns: displaying your interface and managing your persistent storage.
Not Just Academic
Okay, so it violates some ancient “best practice”. Who cares? Let’s check out a example where this is a problem. Say you’re building a task app. For the first version, you just provide a simple list for people to add items to:
class Task {
var title: String
var dueDate: Date
struct TasksList: View {
@Query private var tasks: [Task]
var body: some View {
List(tasks) { task in
You release it, and users quickly demand a way to categorize tasks. So you add a category property. Wanting to avoid a migration, you make it an optional value1:
class Task {
var title: String
var dueDate: Date
var category: String?
struct TasksList: View {
@Query private var tasks: [Task]
var body: some View {
List(tasks) { task in
Text(task.category ?? "Uncategorized")
Ick. That optional handling doesn’t look great, and you’re going to have to do it everywhere you need to display a category. Decisions you made about how you store the data are affecting how you write your views. Let’s try making it a computed property on Task
class Task {
var title: String
var dueDate: Date
var category: String?
var displayCategory: String {
category ?? "Uncategorized"
struct TasksLists: View {
@Query private var tasks: [Task]
var body: some View {
List(tasks) { task in
This is fine… for now. But as your app’s UI gets more complex, so too will your Task
class. You’ll have a bunch of computed properties and extensions, all of which you have to understand and keep track of. You’ll be tempted to do things like filter on them… only to find that that crashes at runtime because @Query
can’t filter on computed properties. What should be a simple store of data is now a myriad of different things, just based on all the places it can be shown.
So… What Now?
How can we clean this up? The answer is a term that you’ve likely heard before, and may even already use in SwiftUI: view models2. Create a new type that handles translating your data for display, and create it from the storage model.
struct TasksListViewModel {
var title: String
var category: String
init(_ task: Task) {
self.title = task.title
self.category = task.category ?? "Uncategorized"
Yeah, that’ll do it! And now we just need to get our list to display it!
struct TasksList: View {
@Query private var tasks: [Task]
@State private var taskViewModels: [TasksListViewModel]
init() {
let viewModels = _tasks.wrappedValue
_taskViewModels = State(initialValue: viewModels)
var body: some View {
List(taskViewModels) { task in
}.onChange(of: tasks) {
taskViewModels =
Oh, jeez. We’re right back where we started with having a whole bunch of extra handling in all of our views, just to support how we save data.
So, what do we do instead? Step one: Build your view around the view model. It simplifies your views dramatically to take in the view model instead, and not worry about how we get the data:
struct TasksList: View {
let taskViewModels: [TasksListViewModel]
var body: some View {
List(taskViewModels) { task in
Step two: Have a dedicated type for managing storage. This one varies a bit, depending on your exact needs. I recommend reading up on the repository pattern, which sounds fancy but is actually pretty simple. Here’s an example one for our needs:
struct TasksRepository {
private let modelContainer: ModelContainer
init() {
self.modelContainer = try! ModelContainer(
for: Task.self
var tasks: [TasksListViewModel] {
do {
return try modelContainer.mainContext
} catch { return [] }
Other Benefits
Having a type for this gives you much more flexibility with your data access than @Query
does. You can manage concurrency better (this type could be an actor instead of the example struct), you can pre-sort all your results instead of having to sort them in each view, you can provide functions with simple parameters to ease the creation of complex filters… the sky’s the limit!
When you’re using your own types instead of @Query
, you also gain a lot of simplicity in setting up your views for various circumstances. Building SwiftUI previews becomes easier, as you can either pass in your view models directly, or create stub versions of your storage manager that you use instead of creating empty model contexts. You can swap in those stubs for unit or snapshot tests of your views, making those tests more stable. You can have a build flag that swaps out your storage manager for one with a set of data that triggers a bug you’re investigating, or example data you use in your App Store screenshots.
Heck, if after all this, you finally just decide you still hate SwiftData, you can completely replace the whole thing with something else, and avoid having to rewrite all your views.
Just Say No
makes your views fragile. It makes your views inflexible. It ties your views permanently to SwiftData. It adds friction to every step of development. It looks shiny and convenient in WWDC slides, but that luster wears off quickly.
Using view models and a single type for managing SwiftData3 avoids all of that for a small upfront cost. It’s worth it.
Yes, you can use a default value. That’s still a migration, and it still runs into the issue of view decisions affecting how you structure your data model. Keep reading. ↩
Personally, I prefer the generic term “domain model”, as you can use these standardized forms in business logic that isn’t just views. You can even use a domain model as an intermediate step between a storage model and a view model! But this post is long enough already. ↩
In case you hadn’t picked up on it, there’s nothing truly SwiftData-specific about any of these problems or solutions. You should do the same thing with any data transfer, be that SwiftData, a SQL database, or a REST API. The problem of using data models in views is just as prevalent, just without the convenient property wrapper tempting you. ↩